Holy Trinity, you are a family,
We believe you wish our families to reflect your heavenly community
Jesus has called us to family ministry,
and asked His heavenly Father
Not to take us from the world
But to deliver us from evil.
And so we pray for the Christian Family Movement,
That present members may grow in grace,
And that new families may join us.
Through good example and prayer, may our homes become,
that which you desire them to be:
True domestic churches, temples of your glory, and schools of humanity,
Ushering in the reign of God,

Lord, God, from you every family in heaven,
In heaven and on earth takes it’s name.
Father you are love and life.
Through your son, Jesus Christ, born of woman
And through the Holy spirit, fountain of divine charity,
Grant that every family on earth
May become for each successive generation
A true shrine of life and love.
Grant that your grace may guide,
the thoughts and actions, of husbands and wives,
For the good of their families,
and of all the families of the world.
Grant that the young may find in the family,
Solid support for their human dignity
And for their growth in truth and love.
Grant that love, strengthened by the grace of the sacrament of marriage
may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials
theough which our families sometimes pass.